Here are some essays I wrote for (inter alia) Medium’s OneZero, Aeon and The Guardian.


Reconsidering the disposable camera

Our amateur images used to give us reason to seek out the real world. But now, they pull us away from it.


Who wants a frictionless future?

Tech moguls assume that efficiency is the ultimate good, and that a ‘frictionless future’ would be something worth having. I sketch what such a future might look like, and suggest that it’s not very appealing at all.

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Getting in the groove

In this long-read for Aeon, I unearth some reasons for philosophers to pay closer attention to the experience of rhythm. Doing so makes clear, I suggest, that living thoughtfully in the world is often just as much about resonating with things as it is about representing them.


Facebook’s VR just attempts what artists have been doing forever

In this piece for the Guardian, I cast some doubt on Mark Zuckerberg’s claim that Facebook’s virtual reality will ‘capture experience’ more effectively than anything that preceded it.


Forget the internet of things: we need an internet of people

In this Guardian essay, Julia Powles and I imagine a future 'digital Bauhaus': an internet that puts our vast stores of embodied knowledge to work online, and gives us control over our information by showing its own infrastructure.